Title: Untitled Document
Hello List
I'm trying to setup cyrus with virtdomains.
I've already set it up and seems to work fine. But I need help to set the virtuale table of sendmail.
Before, without virtdomains configuration, I use to made a local user and make the alias to virtusertable of sendmail.
Lets say,
i...@mydomain.com    info_something

That helps me to have different info@.. accounts for multiple domains.
Now, with 
virtdomains setup, sendmail fails to deliver incoming email.

Another account, us...@mydomain.com alias to user1 local user delivers without problem.

Can somebody give instractions or a tutorial?
Sorry for my English, hope everything is clear.

Thank you in advance


Γατσής Νίκος - Gatsis Nikos
Web developer
tel.: 2108256721 - 2108256722
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email: ngat...@qbit.gr

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