Dear Gabriele and Cyrus friends, On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 03:22:18PM +0100, Gabriele Bulfon wrote: > Hi, > I recently stumbled upon this issue, where I can't find a solution. > Same cyrus/sasl server, serving multiple 2 level domains (dc=domain,dc=com). > Sasl configuration is like: > ldap_search_base: ou=People,dc=%2,dc=%1 > ldap_filter: uid=%u > Enter a new domain, but this time it's a 3 level one > (dc=dpt,dc=domain,dc=com). > Sasl configuration should be like: > ldap_search_base: ou=People,dc=%3,dc=%2,dc=%1 > ldap_filter: uid=%u > How can I let saslauthd support both configurations? > Google didn't find an answer to this, just a lot of confused discussions. > Any help? :) > Gabriele.
What happens if you set <snip> ldap_search_base: dc=%2,dc=%1 ldap_filter: uid=%u </snip> ? also set <snip> ldap_verbose: on </snip>, to get more output. Maybe you need to play with <snip> ldap_scope: sub </snip> as well. All settings in your saslauthd.conf file -- Met vriendelijke groeten, With kind regards, Mit freundlichen Gruessen, De jrus wah, Wiel ************************************* W.K. Offermans Powered by .... (__) \\\'',) \/ \ ^ .\._/_) ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubscribe: