Hello all.

Does anyone have any thoughts or concerns with this?  Our fix seems to work
- but we were just hoping that someone out there might have some insight
into this.

We weren't sure if this was due to something we did (or missed) when
compiling, or if it's a bug that should be remedied.  As John mentioned,
we're in the midst of migrating to 2.4.17, so we're just being extra
cautious with any issues we find.

Thanks for any help.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:28 PM, John Riddle <jridd...@umbc.edu> wrote:

> Hi -
> We have an environment where we have a legacy Cyrus setup running in
> Solaris, and we have been gradually migrating this over to Linux (starting
> with the back-ends; we are still in the process of migrating the front-ends
> and the mupdate master).
> For the accounts that we have migrated over to the newer Linux servers
> (running cyrus-imapd 2.4.17), I noticed that when people attempt to make
> any modification to their sieve rules, they are all set as inactive.  I was
> able to trace this problem to part of the source code for timsieved,
> specificially the file actions.c - the section pertaining to replacing lone
> \r or \n control codes with a combined "\r\n".
> Seems that these control codes being placed in the script file by
> timsieved when they are written to disk on the back-end server are causing
> the failure.  I modified the source to prevent the "\r" from being written
> to the script and recompiled timsieved and then everything worked fine.
> I just wanted to pass this along and see if anyone else has witnessed this
> behavior from sieve and if anyone though that making this change might
> impact the functionality of sieve negatively.  So far in my testing, I
> haven't noticed any issues and all the sieve scripts for the users who have
> them set up are working properly (after changes have been made).
> Thanks,
> --
> John Riddle, UNIX Systems Administrator
> Division of Information Technology, UMBC
> 1000 Hilltop Circle, Balto., MD 21250
> Email: jridd...@umbc.edu
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Tim Champ
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