I found the reason of this " DBERROR error fetching user.toto cyrusdb error"
I don't know why but when I deleted the mailbox toto
user.toto file in /var/lib/cyrus/quota directory wasn't deleted
I deleted it manually
then I created mailbox toto with rights and quota and all is good
Thanks for your help
Le 26/03/2013 16:15, Sabine GOUDARD a écrit :
Last Saturday, my database shutdown
I restart my server, a "checkdisk" was done and all was ok
but only one mailbox was corrupted
I could open the mailbox, but I couldn't delete mail etc etc ...
All message for this mailbox were suspended with I/O Error
I managed to save /var/spool/cyrus/t/user/toto
Cyrus restarted without any error
I created user.toto with cyradm
and "sam user.toto cyrus all"
When I try to set quota
I have "setquota : System I/O error"
If I try to acess to mailbox
I have "DBERROR error fetching user.toto cyrusdb error" in syslog
But all the other boxes work without any error
What can I do ?
have you got any idea about how to solve this problem ?
I never had these errors and i'm afraid to broken more ...
I'm confused about the state of my database and i have no idea about
how to solve this problem
Cyrus 2.2
**Sabine Goudard*
Service Informatique et Multimédia
Tél : 04 77 42 37 20
*Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne*
1, rue Buisson BP 94
42003 Saint-Étienne Cedex 1
Fax : 04 77 42 35 40
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