Hi! I've run into a weird problem. Apparently, sometimes the web-based IMAP client IMP fucks up the MIME headers of a part of a multipart message (will file an IMP bug on that soon), so that if the content type of an attachment is text/plain and encoding is utf-16 (little endian), the header ends up being partially encoded as utf-16 (little endian). But the header of the MIME part shouldn't contain NUL characters, so Cyrus says "Message contains NUL characters" and rejects the message when IMP tries to save it to the Sent folder.
Except not always. Since last week, when I upgraded one of my murder backend servers from 2.4.12 to 2.4.17, sometimes the NUL bytes creep through. Like so: --clip-- --=_pRVOz2N9C9oTNFcAA1MfBg1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=u^@t^@f^@-^@1^@6^@l^@e^@; name=m^@a^@a^@l^@a^@m^@p^@o^@1^@b^@.^@t^@x^@t Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=m^@a^@a^@l^@a^@m^@p^@o^@1^@b^@.^@t^@x^@t^@; size=146736 Content-Transfer-Encoding: q^@u^@o^@t^@e^@d^@-^@p^@r^@i^@n^@t^@a^@b^@l^@e --clip-- (The ^@:s stand for NUL characters. Weird thing is, the Content-Transfer-Encoding seems to be missing one NUL.) Would anyone have any idea what's going on: in what kind of circumstances would Cyrus accept NUL characters in a MIME part header? All the frontends are at version 2.4.16, if that's any help. I've been trying to reproduce the problem, but haven't been able to find the exact conditions :( The irritating thing is, when this happens (NUL bytes in mime part headers or otherwise corrupted MIME parts), Cyrus ends up counting the size of the message wrong and replication gets stuck... (sync_support that makes the sanity checks that the message on disk is the same as the message referred to in cyrus.index counts the message size using stat(), but apparently the size that ends up in cyrus.index is counted somehow differently). --Janne -- Janne Peltonen <janne.pelto...@helsinki.fi> PGP Key ID: 0x9CFAC88B Please consider membership of the Hospitality Club (http://www.hospitalityclub.org) ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/ List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/ To Unsubscribe: https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/listinfo/info-cyrus