I recently reimplemented cyrus+postfix+ldap in multi domain mode, and 
everything works fine.
I found my self needing to convert a situation where a dom1.com is same as 
and every user in 1st domain are actually the same users of 2nd domain.
On postfix, I can manage this with virtual aliases.
On ldap, I could manage common authentication through relay / rwm, so that 
can still authenticate as u...@dom2.com, with same password (and this works for 
any service
trying to authenticate on ldap).
Being cyrus authentication routed through saslauthd+ldap, I can authenticate on 
imap both
as u...@dom1.com and u...@dom2.com, but then cyrus look for a different mailbox 
as it doesn't
actually know the two domains are the same one.
Is there any way to instruct cyrus to treat dom2.com as dom1.com?
Thanx for any help.
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