
On Mon, April 18, 2011 2:44 pm, Marc Patermann wrote:
> Erro,
> Eero Hänninen schrieb am 18.04.2011 12:35 Uhr:
>> Whatever reason I have move mailboxes between mailbox hosts without
>> murder
>> setup, so I do:
> What Version of Cyrus is this?

Oh sorry, forgot - 2.4.6 and 2.4.8

>> * create destination mailbox over imap port
>> * set destination acl over imap port
>> * set destination mailbox quota over imap port
>> * copy from source host to destination host mailbox content (with
>> cyrus.*
>> files) with scp
> Why don't you copy over the mail via IMAP too? (imapsync etc.)
scp seems be bit faster and I don't want know users passwords (talking
about 100k users) - yes I know isn't not good and beautiful solution,
sounds more like hacking but it has worked..

>> * do reconstruct -rf on destination host for mailbox
>> After that everything fine but quota. Quota shows 0% usage and new mails
>> only will increase use of mailbox quota. So I run quota -f and
>> everything
>> went ok. So my question is this normal and I must run quota -f such kind
>> messages move or should reconstruct/cyr_expire take care about it ?
> I think the quota reflects only IMAP changes on the mailbox and not
> those low level actions. As you need recontruct to tell cyrus there have
> been low level changes of the mailbox structure, you need to tell cyrus
> by quota -f that mail volume changes have happend on the mailbox.
Ok that is what I want to know. I will add this quota -f to the moving
script. Thanks!

Best Regardas,

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