Julien Vehent <jul...@linuxwall.info> wrote:

> ---
> . namespace
> * NAMESPACE (("INBOX." ".")) (("user." ".")) (("" "."))
> ---
> Question is: shouldn't the 3rd argument be of the type "shared." ?
> (Like in example 5.4 of the RFC [1]).

There can be a null namespace.  We use it for one's own mailboxes.--

b namespace
* NAMESPACE (("" ".")) (("~ Other Users." ".")) (("~ Public Folders." "."))

> roundcube lists it (LSUB) but can't access it (It looks for
> INBOX.shared.testshared instead of shared.testshared).

So "shared.testshared" is subscribed, but roundcube prefixes "INBOX."
to that?  Is that configured into roundcube?

Does LSUB return the right names?  Given the above, I expect your own
folders to have names starting "INBOX." and the shared folders to
have just their names.

On our system, my own folders are in the null namespace:
* LSUB () "." "Words"
while a shared folder has the prefix we established:
* LSUB () "." "~ Public Folders.bboard"

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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