
Am 24.11.2010 10:28, schrieb Frank Elsner:
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 17:13:51 +0100 Martin Pracht wrote:
>> Hello,
>> with 2.3.X we were happy by having
>> a standby-system for our mail server,
>> keeping the data up to date by a
>> periodical rsync from the working system.
> Just curious: What do you rsync? The mailboxes only? What else?
> What about mailboxes.db?

Up to 2.3.X we do "rsync" what is configured in imapd.conf :
configdirectory, sievedir and the partition(s).
Normally working- and standby-system are kept
identical (except we need the standby-system
for testing). There was never a problem with mailboxes.db,
in some cases we had positive experience with dumping and
restoring mailboxes_db by using ctl_mboxlist.
OK, there is as problem, we use berkeley_db as has been suggested.
On the standby-system we use scripts to delete configdirectry/db, 
deliver.db and tls_session.db and create them new.

Martin Pracht

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