I am having trouble converting a quota skiplist db back to quotalegacy format (I know... this is probably not the most common Cyrus operation :-) % cvt_cyrusdb /ssd/cyrs/imap/quotas.db skiplist /ssd/cyrs/imap/quota quotalegacy Converting from /ssd/cyrs/imap/quotas.db (skiplist) to /ssd/cyrs/imap/quota (quotalegacy) % find quota -type f | wc -l 126 % strings quotas.db|wc -l 135229 "quotas.db" was created using the reverse operation and took about one minute. I renamed the original 'quota' directory out of the way before making the second cvt_cyrusdb call. Closer inspection of the newly created 'quota' directory reveals 125 quota descriptor files named user.aXXXXXX created under 'a', all relating to existing top level mailboxes and containing the correct information, and (curiously) one file named 'u' in directory 'u'. I also tried a Berkeley DB intermediate format and the creation of the quotalegacy structure failed in an identical way. Other question : would I be better off with 65,000 small files (quotalegacy) in a one-level hash or with a single skiplist db for my quota information, when the files reside on solid state storage anyway ? Thx, Eric Luyten, Computing Centre VUB/ULB. ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/ List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/