Thanks for your quick reply.

On 01/14/10 01:32 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-01-14 at 13:25 -0500, Robert Wirstrom wrote:
>> We are running Cyrus 2.3.15 on Solaris 10 and recently started enabling
>> quotas for around 100 users. Certain user accounts show conflicting
>> information based on the 'quota' command and how much space is taken up
>> by the filesystem ('du').
> These won't necessarily correspond.

Understood, but they should be somewhat close in number, right?

>>  We have run 'quota -f' and 'reconstruct -r -f'
>> numerous times with no change. We sometimes run into accounts with
>> insanely high numbers which get resolved after a 'reconstruct.' These
>> are different though, eg.
> Some earlier versions of Cyrus had quota calculation issues with big
> quotas (2GB? 4GB?) or big mailboxes.  I think there is a blurb in WMOGAG
> about that, and what version fixed it.

2.3.15 was the latest up until about a month ago. We have no problems
with other users with bigger quotas.

>> bash-3.00$ /opt/cyrus-imap/bin/quota -f user.user1
>>    Quota   % Used     Used Root
>>  5242880       63  3303494 user.user1
>> bash-3.00$ /opt/cyrus-imap/bin/quota -f user.user2
>>    Quota   % Used     Used Root
>>  41943040       93 39410366 user.user2
>> bash-3.00$ du -sh user1
>>  7.6G   user1
>> bash-3.00$ du -sh user2
>>  6.4G   user2
> Do you have delayed expunge enabled?  If so actual disk size may very
> well exceed quota values - because the expunged-but-not-yet-expired
> messages are still on the disk.

Delayed expunge is not enabled.

>> As you can see what is reported as 'used' by 'quota' does not match with
>> what is actually on the file system.
>> Any thoughts as to what is happening here?

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