On 12/17/2009 07:30 PM, Denis BUCHER wrote:
> Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
>> On 12/17/2009 09:28 AM, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>> How did you move the mail from one server to the other?
>>> I think I copied with scp.
>>>> Does the CLIENT folder have at least a cyrus.index file in it?
>>> No, the CLIENT folder has only subfolders...
>> Is it even possible to create a folder (even an empty one) that doesn't
>> have the cyrus.* files in it ?
> Yes it must be, because I really took the files "as is" from the old
> server...
>> I am pretty sure that if you just put an empty cyrus.header file in
>> CLIENT then your reconstruct command will see the the folder when run
>> with -f
> Good idea, but :
> $ touch /var/spool/cyrus/mail/c/user/psmith/CLIENTS/cyrus.header
> $ /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -p default -rf user.psmith.CLIENTS
> user.psmith.CLIENTS: Mailbox has an invalid format
> If only ;-))
Copy a real cyrus.header file in perhaps? I know there is a way to trick 
reconstruct. :-)

> Denis

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