Quoting Ingo Steuwer <steu...@univention.de>:
Hi,I'm in building a test-environment where I'd like to setup my cyrus mail spoll(/var/spool/cyrus/mail) on a NFS filesystem. I know that locking issues in NFSv3 prevent a clean mail delivery with cyrus and want to give NFSv4 a try. My suspect from older tests was, that the handling of cyrus.index and other "database"-files (cyrus.cache, cyrus.header, cyrus.squat) isn't possible on NFSv3. Beside changing the NFS version, I thougt of an option where those files are stored on a different (non-NFS) partition.
You have to keep them in sync across your servers and mailstorage. So i would not use it for active/active usage.
Does anybody know about a way to configure the path of those files? Or are there ways to move them after creation?
Have a look at metapartition-name in the imapd.conf manpage and migrate-metadata in the toold directory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316 Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstraße 76 72074 Tübingen
Description: S/MIME krytographische Unterschrift
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