Ludovic Gasc schrieb:
> Hi everybody,
> We're using Cyrus-imap during some time, it's a good tool for us.
> We've a strange behaviour (bug)? with sieve, Thunderbird and Cyrus-imap.
> I want to listen your opinions, because I'm not sure to understand
> correctly the problem.
> We use some sieve scripts to filter the e-mails in the sub-folders of INBOX.

I never had this problem. Be sure to mark every subfolder you need with 
"Check for new messages" (right click on the folder you want to be 
checked, then click on "Properties").

Thunderbird opens a new IMAP connection for each folder. For each folder 
marked with "Check for new message" ("Auf neue Nachrichten überprüfen" 
in my case, I have a german localized Thunderbird) it will issue an 
"IDLE" command (easily traceable).


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