Marc Patermann wrote:
> Garry,
> Garry schrieb:
>> in order to fix a customer's wrong perception of how a mail server
>> should work, I was wondering:
>> Is there a way to make Cyrus IMAP move marked-for-deletion mails to a
>> trash folder, effectively purging it from the original folder?
> If I look in my MUA (Thunderbird), I have the choice to
> - move to trash
> - delete immediately
> - mark as deleted (and purge later).
> So why should cyrus do something else than configured in the client?
The point is not when decent MUAs are used, like Thunderbird, but rather
crap like Outlook ... which is unable to do a decent, logical handling
of deleted mails... ;)

Problem is, $customer is using a groupware which - when using IMAP -
will display deleted or moved mails as struck-through mails, which will
no doubt confuse certain users ... therefore, it would be nice if Cyrus
could be convinced to have a special delted-mails handling ... as it is
close to impossible to change Outlook's handling ...

Guess I might need to take a look at the source if it's not in there,
and see if it can be added ...

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