Hahahaha, yes you're true....all users lie... Yes, I believe I can do what you said about logging, but it's too late now... I just wondered if there were some kind of cyrus utlity or just db utility to see if cyrus considers that id already used....and maybe where... Gabriele Bulfon - Sonicle S.r.l. Tel +39 028246016 Int. 30 - Fax +39 028243880 Via Felice Cavallotti 16 - 20089, Rozzano - Milano - ITALY http://www.sonicle.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Da: Sebastian Hagedorn <haged...@uni-koeln.de> A: Gabriele Bulfon <gbul...@sonicle.com> Cc: info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu Data: 5 maggio 2009 15.58.42 CEST Oggetto: Re: finding by message id --On 5. Mai 2009 15:45:36 +0200 Gabriele Bulfon <gbul...@sonicle.com> wrote: > I've got a message logged by posfix with a specific message id, and > stated as correctly sent to cyrus. But the user of the imap mailbox is > sure that he never received that message. All users lie. > No filter is setup to move the > message elsewhere, and no error is visible anywhere. So, I've got the > message id from the postfix log. > I know that cyrus checks for duplicate ids, so he's got quick knoweledge > of every id in the imap folders. How can I ask cyrus for an ID and see if > it actually exists somewhere? And how to find it without having to scan > all imap folders? Cyrus can log the message id's it delivers, e.g.: May 5 15:49:24 lvr13 lmtpunix[1219]: Delivered: <101915.23.1241531136265.javamail.gbul...@pgbulfon> to mailbox: user.a0620 I'm not sure which log level you need to get these messages. -- .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18.:. .:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:. .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ? +49-221-478-5587.:. .:.:.:.Skype: shagedorn.:.:.:.
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