
we have installed cyrus-imapd-2.3.7-2 on Centos 5. Everything work very
well, but last days i noticed that we get an error related with pop3s.
The error is this:

Jan  4 05:45:20 herm pop3s[21598]: pop3s failed:
Dynamic-IP-cr20011xxxx.xxxx.xxx [200.xxx.xxx.xxx]
Jan  4 05:45:20 herm pop3s[21598]: Fatal error: tls_start_servertls()
Jan  4 05:45:20 herm master[3688]: process 21598 exited, status 75
Jan  4 05:45:20 herm master[3688]: service pop3s pid 21598 in BUSY
state: terminated abnormally

I tested pop3s with pop3test tool and also with a real user that was
configured to use pop3s. It is login in successful and i tried to
reproduce this error, but i still cannot do it.

I checked my configuration files related with cyrus-imap. Everything is
ok. Imap/Pop3 with TLS and Imaps/Pop3s are working good.

Why this happen and how to solve this problem?

Do i need to increase some number of processes for pop3 or something

I read in the net a lot of comments about this problem, but i still
can't find a solution for this.

I will be happy if someone give me solve direction to troubleshoot this
problem and try to solve it.

Thanks in advanced!

Regards, Ali Nebi!

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