Hi, we use Cyrus 2.2 on a Debian Etch Linux with Sasl and Thunderbird as a IMAP mailclient for our users. The problem is, that the mailboxes become very big, so I look for an automatic archiving software, which takes the mails out of the mailbox into a file and a searchable database.
Thunderbird offers the possibility to mark a mail with an editable keyword (right mouseclick) even as a bulk operation on all selected emails. So my plan is, that the user marks all mails which can be archived with that keyword (lets say "archive"), or move them to a subfolder "archive". There must be a process in cyrus, which copies these emails into a (zip)-file and/or into a database, to have them somehow accessable. Cyrus must do this with the administrator account, because the imap credentials of all the users are of course not known to us. Or we install an "archive"-useraccount which has access to all mailboxes. Does something like this exist? Where to look for? Maybe Opensource? Please give a hint Thanks Alex ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html