Quoting Denis BUCHER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Michael Menge a écrit : >> Quoting Denis BUCHER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >>> >>> We have 50 people using Outlook on our IMAP cyrus server. It's >>> wonderful : fast, efficient, no problem, easy... >>> >>> But for 4-5 days I have a strange problem only on one PC : >>> * Outlook has to reconnect to the server every 5 minutes because of >>> "Fatal error: word too long". >>> >>> As far as I understand, the cause of the problem is : >>> * "Outlook is sending either a token or quoted string that is longer >>> than 8K bytes." >>> >>> But how could I correct this problem either in Outlook or cyrus ??? >>> * Can I simply delete the "offending" email in Outlook, but how to >>> find which one ? >>> >>> Denis Bucher >> >> Hi >> >> you can investigate the problem further by activating cyrus >> telemetry logging for that user. Create a directory with the name >> of the userid in {configdirectory}/log . Cyrus will create files >> in there wich will contain all data send and recieved after >> authentication. >> >> Michael Menge > > What do you call the configdirectory for cyrus ? I have different > places with cyrus (I'm using the standard package provided with SuSE > Linux / SLES 10) : > > 1. I have a "cyrus" user with all binaries inside "bin" in the homedir > 2. In "/var/spool/imap/user/" there are all user accounts with the mails... >
The configdirectory is set in /etc/imapd.conf it should default to /var/lib/imap > But I think I understand, I have to create the "log" directory into : > /var/spool/imap/user/dbucher > which means : > /var/spool/imap/user/dbucher/log > No, the log directory should already be there, so you have to create /var/lib/imap/log/dbucher ,take care that cyrus as permissions to write in that directory. > Is that enough and correct, no config to add or command in cyradm ? > Yes thas enough, no config no command in cyradm but you created it in the wrong place. Michael Menge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316 Universitaet Tuebingen Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912 Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Waechterstrasse 76 72074 Tuebingen ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html