On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 05:11:30PM +0300, Janne Peltonen wrote:
> Hi!
> After running 2.3.11 for almost half a year, a problem like this
> appeared today:
> May  7 17:03:47 pcn3 i07/sync_client[18029]: Processing sync log file
> /var/lib/imap/i07/sync/log-21280 failed: Bad protocol
> May  7 17:03:47 pcn3 i07/sync_client[20341]: Reprocessing sync log file
> /var/lib/imap/i07/sync/log-21280
> and the sync_client child dies.
> The log file in question contains nothing but
> --clip--
> MAILBOX user.<censored>
> MAILBOX user.<censored>.Trash
> SEEN <censored> user.<censored>.Trash
> MAILBOX user.<censored>
> --clip--
> Now I wonder. What might be wrong with this?

...looking at the sync server, there were things like

May  7 17:03:47 scn3 i07/syncserver[29753]: IOERROR: opening
/var/spool/imap/iaji/i/user/ireijone/3396.: No such file or directory

in the log; when I did

touch /var/spool/imap/iaji/i/user/<censored>/3396.
chown cyrus:mail /var/spool/imap/iaji/i/user/<censored>/3396.
chmod 600 /var/spool/imap/iaji/i/user/<censored>/3396.

on then sync server, the problem disappeared and my user got synched OK.

I've explicitely set expunge_mode: immediate on the sync server,
because I think I read somewhere (on this list?) that setting it to
delayed wouldn't work. Everything else uses the default values of
Simon's RPM, that is, on sync_client both expunge_mode: delayed and
delete_mode: delayed; on sync_server side just delete_mode: delayed.
Cyrus version 2.3.11, rpm release 5. Perhaps I should let the
expunge_mode: delayed be on the sync_server, too?

--Janne Peltonen
Univ of Helsinki
Janne Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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