Vincent Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Several people have asked for the IDR number from Sun that gave
> us the performance optimizations we needed.
> Management says the agreement for the IDR we got prohibits this.

I just opened a case at our Sun Representative so we hope to get this zfs 
patch as well.
filebench varmail leaves us with > 1,5 seconds (!) for an fsync(), which is 
really a big performance hit.

<semi off-topic>

As a side note:
I had some fun with dtrace visualizing read and write access to our zpool 
mirror (ZFS mirror pool) on our mail server, consisting of two fiber 
channel RAID devices. You see that writes are nearly sequential (due to 
ZFS) and reads are random i/o with some hot spots. Sure, you don't have the 
effect of memory caching (ARC) included.
This zpool is used for IMAP storage, queue spool and log files. All 
filesystems are compressed.

You may find the animated GIF (be warned, it is 5 MB in size) in my little 

</semi off-topic>

Pascal Gienger
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz
Computing Center University of Constance
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