This is typically an Outlook problem.  The client runs various  
filters, and possibly has perf issues on local disk (look for disk  
light activity on the PC) as it's updating its caches.
Turn on Cyrus logging for the particular user (in the server config  
log subdir do mkdir username and make sure the cyrus acct has write  
access).  Check the timestamps at the beginning of each request.   
Typically you'll see that Outlook requests headers (FETCH) and then  
it will idle for 5, 10, perhaps 30 seconds, then it will request more  

The "solution" to all of this is to leave Outlook running all the time.


On Aug 27, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Mike Eggleston wrote:

> One user mentions that "it still takes several minutes in the  
> morning to
> 'fetch headers'." This user has Outlook 2003 on MS XP as the mail  
> client.
> I have less than 20 users using cyrus-imapd 2.3.1 on a fedora core 5
> box with current rpms.
> Does anyone have any tuning hints? Some way to speed things for  
> this user?
> No one else has mentioned any problems.
> Mike
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