Hi! I'd set up a unified murder config, deciding not to care about the XFER bug, but when deploying it, I stumbled over an annoying bug: copying a message from a mailbox on the local server to a mailbox on a remote one doesn't work, nor does copying a message from a mailbox on a remote server to a mailbox on the local one (see bug #2976). Moreover, I was unable to get proxying to work if the remote node only supported plaintext authentication (even if it was only supported over an encrypted layer) - I had to make the nodes support digest-md5 authentication, and put the administrative accounts into /etc/sasldb. But this resulted in my clients trying to authenticate using digest-md5, too, and resulted in stupid delays while they waited for the authentication to fail so that they could authenticate using plaintext, which was the method that could be integrated into our existing authentication system (radius). So, I ended up having to add a couple of frontends for the clients to connect to, with support only for plaintext auth, and have no clients connect directly to the backends - so now I'm running a system that is, for all intents and purposes, a traditional Murder config, but with all the bugs and limitations of a unified Murder config.
So the question is: can I turn a unified Murder config into a traditional one safely, editing the imapd.conf on one node at a time, restarting (or maybe even kill -HUPing) one node at a time? Any experiences, or do I just try this out? Thanks. --Janne Peltonen email admin Univ. of Helsinki -- Janne Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html