
(I'm using Cyrus imapd 2.3.8 from the Invoca RPM.)

While compiling sieve scripts, the result filename is default.bc. But
lmtpd seems to expect defaultbc (with no dot in between). Is there
something somewhere in the docs about naming the compiled file? I
couldn't find...

May  8 14:10:17 m2cn1t lmtp[32061]: IOERROR: fstating sieve script
/var/lib/imap/m2_1_master/sieve/a/atest002/defaultbc: No such file or
sudo ls -l /var/lib/imap/m2_1_master/sieve/a/atest002
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 cyrus mail 144 May  8 14:09 default.bc
-rw-------  1 cyrus mail 299 May  8 13:59 default.script


Janne Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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