I was testing my web application when I found (maybe) a bug into cyrus.
I can create a mailbox "user/[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but cannot use this user
as "who" into any setacl command.

setacl user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] lrswipcda --> ok
setacl user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] lrswipcda --> ok
setacl user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] lrswipcda --> Invalid
setacl user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] lrswipcda --> Invalid

My application is written in python using the imaplib.
I tried using php, but got the same error.
I rewrote imaplib to send the setacl arguments as literal
(to mimic cyrus that send any string with a % inside as a literal) but got
the same error.

The problem is, why does cyrus accept to create a mailbox with a % and then
reject this user
in setacl command ?

I use imapd-2.2.12-2.5.0_kolab2.src.rpm

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
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