
Am 13.12.2006 um 16:48 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:


My fault, I just didn't have enough time to figure the correct vocabulary for my goals. This makes googling information very hard too :(

Maybe what you want is to set postuser in your imapd.conf.

for me it works fine without a postuser (are there any drawbacks in not using a postuser?) "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" works fine and as far as I understood postuser would just be some artificial username to prepend to shared mailboxes...

Yep. Anonymous needs p if you want to receive unauthenticated messages
to a folder.

Ok now user+mailbox posting works fine (where user is an existing user in cyrus and mailbox is a "subfolder" in "users"s mailbox)

For [EMAIL PROTECTED] that would be user/user/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(or user.user.shared) - or INBOX.shared for the user.
Shared mailboxes are
You can also use sieve to redirect mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to the folder or something similar. Most WEb
interfaces are unable to filter the mailbox extension (thats what the
"shared" in [EMAIL PROTECTED] is called), though, so you'd
probably want to create a dedicated user for that.

Ok, to clear things up I have these mailboxes:

localhost.example.com> lam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anyone p

localhost.example.com> lam user/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cyrus lrswipcda

No I write a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and I want the mail to be posted to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" I do need to use sieve (anything else?) to have this mail posted to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of somewhere in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"


If "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" exists cyrus would put the message there (given the ACLs are correct)
If only "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" exists cyrus would put the message there

Hope I could express myself a bit clearer now...


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