Been there, tried that, well sorta anyway. My mailbox numbers have grown to that level all on their own.
I have not seen the UID as an issue. IF Outlook gets interrupted in any number of ways when popping a message from the server, it has a good possibility of forgetting what it has or what it's done. Then on the next connection you get a repeat of all the old messages onto your client. It doesn't matter what the UID of the message is, the failure is all on the outlook side of things. Ways to mess it up include any number of network blips that temporarily disconnects the client from the server. There have been other cases where the anti-virus on the client will trigger on something and stop or abort the rest of the message from downloading. Still others where the outlook files get to big and then everything just blows up. If you want something that is less prone to failure, you need to get rid of Outlook, or as some line to call it "Look Out!!" --Gene PS: check the headers for a long used header to be seen by outlook users. Dan Ohnesorg made the following keystrokes: >Even here was many times reported, that outlook has bug, which prevents >users from using: leave message on pop3 server functionality. > >The problem seems be really related to length of UID of message. Occures on >maiboxes, where are messages with mixed length, like: > >1. >10. > >or > >10. >100. > >It can be probably fixed on cyrus side. I have one idea, how to fix it and >not break current mailboxes by changing UID format. If cyrus will in every >NEW mailbox start with messages number 1000000., there will be possible to >deliver 9000000 messages without changing the length of UID. > >Is it good idea? Will be possible to insert new configuration parametr like >first_uid and fix the problem this way? > > >cheers >dan >---- >Cyrus Home Page: >Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: >List Archives/Info: > ---- Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info: