--On Monday, August 21, 2006 10:29:26 PM -0700 Rob Tanner
I tried various combinations based on your suggestions. The --prefix2
"INBOX." was the most interesting. Instead of userxyz, I ended up with
INBOXxyz. Just a variation on the same problem.
One thing I did forget to mention. The saslauthd program is pointing to
the shadow file at the moment, and none of the folks (ultimately I need
to move about 4,500 accounts) are in the shadow file. I have to
eventually switch the pointer to LDAP but that requires some other prep
that I'm not yet ready for. But could that possibly explain my problem?
I think that the fact that it's dropping the . when it is trying to access
the destination folder is the key.
when you add the --prefix INBOX. you may have to quote it to have it keep
the . in the name.
when I get home tonight I'll check the command line I've been useing at
David Lang
-- Rob
On 08/21/2006 05:21 PM, David Lang wrote:
I'm working with it to copy some things currently, I'm doing it a user
at a time, and found that I needed to set --prefix2 "INBOX." (note the
. ) to get things to copy properly. it looks like you may need to set
--sep or --sep2 to "." as well.
also, take a look at imapcopy, if you are just doing a one-way move it
may be easier to setup (imapsync can keep the two in sync while you
are testing)
David Lang
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Rob Tanner wrote:
I'm trying to migrate mail from one IMAP server to another using the
perl program imapsync. Both the source and destination servers are
Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.3 servers. I have added a second partition to the
destination server and made it the default by configuring imapd.conf
as follows:
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
partition-belgarath: /var/spool/belgarath
defaultpartition: belgarath
With this setup, I can use cyradm and by hand correctly adds users to
the new partition. When I use imapsync to copy users over. Instead
of folders such as user.xyz and user.xyx.sent and user.xyz.drafts, I
get userxyz and userxyzsent and userxyzdrafts -- all as separate and
entirely independent folders and not even a hierarchy.
Here's a script I used just to test and move over one user:
# ! /bin/bash
./imapsync \
--host1 belgarath.linfield.edu --user1 cyrus --passfile1
/home/rtanner/imapsync/cyrus.pwd \
--host2 polgara.linfield.edu --user2 cyrus --passfile2
/home/rtanner/imapsync/cyrus.pwd \
--syncinternaldates \
--subscribe \
--include "^user\.aabryan.*$"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
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