On Thu, June 22, 2006 8:53, Walter Willmertinger said:
> I am new to Cyrus and used until now UW4-Imap with postfix and procmail.
> I need to redirect mails from a special external domain (say all mail from
> "
> extspec.de") to a group of users in our domain.
> Before using cyrus, I did this wirh procmail and procmailrc. Now I use
> cyrus
> with postfix.
> /etc/postfix/main.cf: mailbox_transport = cyrus
> Now I read some documents about sieve, but I found no recipe how to
> redirect
> mails from a special receiver (domain) to a group of users in our local
> domain.
> Can somebody give me a hint?

You can do that with postfix virtual domains. You'd specify the domain to
be translated in /etc/postfix/vmailbox and it's targets in

Read more about in in  virtual manpage or the following page:


Peter Teunissen

-- Never argue with idiots; they'll drag you down to their own level and
beat you on experience.

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