On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 01:52 +0200, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 11:56 +0530, Ramprasad wrote:
> >  I am using cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-3 on centos. How can I enable SRS address
> > rewriting in sieve
> > 
> > I want all redirected mails ( vacation or forward ) to go with ids from
> > my domain instead of ids of the from domain
> SPF doesn't work, don't use it, and don't try to support those who are
> wrongheaded enough to employ it.  that said, do all your SRS rewriting
> in your MTA, it's the only way to be sure the behaviour is consistent.
> BTW, vacation messages have the empty sender, so SRS doesn't apply
> there.

IMHO SPF works.If forwarded mails are the only thing SPF breaks and can
be overcome with SRS, then Why not use it? I think it is more of ego
issues than technical in the way of SPF. People are against SPF because
bullies like Micro$$oft or AOL promote it more than anything else. 


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