
The other day because of a server crash, the tls_sessions.db seems to
have corrupted. It only occurs for pop3s:

pop3s[6453]: DBERROR $\M^W\^B\^\: db4
pop3s[6453]: DBERROR: opening /var/imap/tls_sessions.db: Invalid
pop3s[6453]: DBERROR: opening /var/imap/tls_sessions.db: cyrusdb error

I've tried stopping the master, removing tls_sessions.db and starting
the master back, but it didn't re-create the file. I also did db_dump
of tls_sessions.db, and then db_load again from the text file, but
DBERROR messages still show up for pop3s. I'm not sure how to fix it,
would anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks a lot.

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