
You need to make sure that $CRYPT in the file config.inc.php
is set to md5.

Look here - 

Crypted passwords

Web-cyradm supports the storage of encrypted passwords. I strongly suggest the 
use of encryption. There are three methods supported at the moment: 
Unix-compatible (crypt), md5 and MySQL. The Unix-compatible encryption allows 
you to import encrypted passwords from an existing /etc/shadow. This is the 
preferred option. 

Unfortunately, MySQL uses a proprietary encryption method which is only 
available when using MySQL. I'm currently thinking about dropping support for 
MySQL crypt, because it only works with MySQL and makes a migration to another 
database impossible. As soon as there is a method available to re-engineer the 
MySQL crypt on PHP there will be a solution (Help needed in programming, legal 

Check the variable $CRYPT in the file config.inc.php. Value »plain« means no 
encryption, »crypt« means Shadow compatible encryption, mysql means MySQL 

You wrote:

Yes, mail users are shell users too.
But question is, how to migrate MD5 hash passwords from /etc/shadow to 
mysql, if I wish to use web-cyradm and sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop ?

Thanks, Mitja

Btw I found quota script, that work fine;
# quotacheck.pl
# Written by Mark Borrie, ITS, University of Otago
#            Dunedin, New Zealand
#            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nikola Milutinovic pravi:
> --- Mitja Sladovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't have users stored in mysql (cyrus users are system users), so 
>> this script doesn't work for me..
> Any particualr reason for this? One of my first motives to move to Cyrus (and
> at that time I was using it as POP3 server) was the ability to avoid using OS
> accounts for mail users. Then I saw how IMAP4 was good and moved to it.

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