> This question may be a bit out of topic.  However, we would like to
> configure our cyrus/postfix server so that any mail destined for noreply
> goes to a blackhole (i.e does not get delivered).
> One easy and not so nice solution would be to create a shared folder and
> delete any mail in that folder on a regular basis.  However, this is too
> crude.
> Any help would be appreciated.

I have setup a discard transport in postfix for all kind of things like this.
In /etc/postfix/master.cf I have:

# This transport will just eat messages.
discard   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  user=nobody argv=/bin/cat /dev/null

Then a transport table can be used to direct mails to the discard
transport like this in /etc/postfix/transport:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      discard:

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