> Simon Matter pravi:
>>> I have one problem :)
>>> After RHEL4 box upgrade (2.2.12) to 2.3.1, deliver crashes with sig
>>> 11...
>>> Jan 24 10:01:21 mail postfix/pipe[25836]: 40F23C0002: to=<[EMAIL 
>>> relay=cyrus, delay=0, status=deferred (Command died with signal 11:
>>> "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver")
>> The problem could be in the cyrus code or in one of the additional
>> patches, maybe you can try a build with AUTOCREATE disabled and test
>> again.
>> Simon
> Ok, have rebuilt with AUTOCREATE=0, but problem still exists.
> LMTP works, deliver doesn't ...
> How can I increase debug level?
> Putting local4.* or local6.* in syslog.conf doesn't show nothing new ...

The rpms are using the mail facility, so you may put mail.* something in

I tried using deliver on RHEL4 now with the autocreate feature and it has
worked fine. What is the exact deliver command line which fails?


> Mitja
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