I have the same problem.
Please kindly submit a patch to the list.
Simon, Ken, is it possble to include this patch?
----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Neil
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 4:33 AM
Subject: replication, virtual domains, mboxname.c bug?

i was having a problem with using cyrus-2.3.1 replication and virtual domains giving errors like:

CREATE received NO response: Create  a.domain.com!user.me failed: Invalid mailbox name

after a bit of sniffing around looks like the problem comes from the GOODCHARS definition in mboxname_policycheck of mboxname.c.  after addomg a ! to GOODCHARS (which is used as the domain!user field separator) replication seems to work fine.

couldn't seem to find this in bugzilla or no if it was left out for some reason.  anyone?



Unix   Systems   Administrator
Department of Computer Science
The  University   of  Auckland

Ph: (+64 9) 3737599 ext: 87422

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