Andrew Morgan wrote:

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Rosenbaum, Larry M. wrote:

This script requires a password, which means you have to run it interactively or else put the password in a file. I'm looking for a noninteractive way to create a mailbox without having to put a password in a file.

Let's think about this... You're looking for a way to have admin privileges without authenticating for them? Sounds like trouble to me... :)

You may use sudo. This allows you to give an unprivileged user the right to su root or whatever and run a given set of command on behalf of that user. You need no password anywhere. That's what we're using here to allow the hotline staff to create accounts from their own unpriviledged user. Don't know exactly where I got sudo from, but I'm sure you'll find the right package, at least a Google search gives many interesting results.
Hope this helps


Probably your only alternative is to write something that directly modifies the mailboxes database, creates the requisite directories, etc, but that is bound to break something eventually.

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