Hi all,
I'm newbie to cyrus.I could install it under SUSE 9.2. We 'd like to store the mails central on an IMAP Server, have multiple domains: example1.com, example2.com. To both domains we have POP3 access. Is it possible to set cyrus to fetch these emails (from exmaple1.com, from example2.com). so that they are also stored central on the IMAP server (example.com).
By the way, IMAP server is enough to able to get emails like [EMAIL PROTECTED] to it? Or what should be installed for that?
Thnx George
-- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/ --- Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html