Yep, I forgot to mention that.  I used the administrative user.  You
need to make sure that the administrator has access to every mailfolder
on the "from" server which I did by modifying some java that I use to
manage accounts.  There is also a perl package, I believe named
IMAP:Admin that you can use to get a list of all folders/subfolders and
make sure the admin user has full privleges.
-- Rob

--On Friday, December 24, 2004 09:20:33 PM -0500 Derrick J Brashear

> On Fri, 24 Dec 2004, Rob Tanner wrote:
>> half days to complete.  But then all I had to do afterwards was move
>> the alias that points to the imap server and users were bust reading
>> mail.  The other downside is that the SEEN flag is not a property of
>> the mailbox and doesn't get transfered, so all mail showed up as
>> unseen.  Since I was already aware of it, we announced it ahead of
>> time.
> So run the script as a user which can proxy as any user, have it log
> in as each user, and copy the seen state. This works for the common
> case (but not the shared mailbox case, obviously)
> ---
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Rob Tanner
UNIX Services Manager
Linfield College, McMinnville OR

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