Hi all:

I have posted this message several days ago. But there are not any
follow messages here. So i posted it again because i really want to know
Whether or not cyrus-imapd has this feature.

Here are the message:

 I have a cyrus-imapd installation. And it contains lots of users.
When i add a new account to cyrus-imapd server. The user who has been
created right now have to subscribe his mail folders mannully. I wonder
that whether or not subscribe the mail folders automatic? Maybe write
some words in the configure files with cyrus-imapd.  I have
searched the web and the mail lists for a long time. But no result. If
it could be, how to implement it? If it could not be, is there any other
 solutions to match my requirement?

My cyrus version is 2.2.3

Thanks very much for view this message.

Wang Penghui

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