On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Paul Boven wrote:

> What would be a proper way to delete these emails, preferably from the
> command line or perl so I can script the whole thing and get rid of all
> the NetSky's and Sober's ?

If you are in the process of migrating, why not remove the mails
before they get into the folder? I have found the provided scripts
rather inflexible for that kind of problems, so I developed my

If you want to scan/remove after the migration, take a look at the
Mail::IMAPClient module.

Regards, Erik

GnuPG Key: http://www.locolomo.org/home/norgaard/norgaard.gpg.asc
pub  1024D/B02CC311 2004-04-05 Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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