On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Simon Matter wrote:

> I don't know what it means. However,
> - are you sure cyrus-imapd can access the saslauthd socket ( like
> /var/run/saslauthd/mux)
> - did you configure the different facilities in pam, like /etc/pam.d/imap?
> If you simply want to use shadow instead of pam, starting saslauthd with
> '-a shadow' should do it.

Thanks again, I my migration scripts has started working - a hint
for anyone using Mail::IMAPClient: Don't set Authmechanism => 'PLAIN'
leave it out!

So, I have decided not to touch the config anymore - hope things
won't break then :-) Afterall, imtest is not needed for anything.

Thanks, Erik

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