On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 19:14, Sergio Devojno Bruder wrote:
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:
> I am using cyrus mailboxes to store rss feeds users have subscribed 
> to.   Now I am putting special headers in the mails for every feed which 
> are specific to my application.
> I want to do an optimum search on all mailboxes somewhat like
> "select all mails from all mailboxes where header Xmyheader is myvalue"
> Is there a way I can do such a search without crashing my (already 
> loaded) imap server.
> I was thinking if there was a way to directly access the cyrus.header 
> files from all mailboxes that can give me this result. Presently I am 
> using Mail::IMAPClient perl module to talk imap to the server
> Thanks
> Ram

Probably Cyrus inst caching your Xmyheader.

Change Cyrus to cache|index your Xmyheader, this will allow your search 
without acessing every mail.

Precisely, How do I do that. Is there a howto somewhere



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