Hello everyone

  One of my clients is using planning to use his own server , running cyrus+postfix or sendmail on linux.
This imap server will be used by customers who will receive regular newsletters.

One of the requirements is that whenever a customer reads / moves / deletes a mail the information should be logged for reporting purpose

So is there a plugin into cyrus by which I can trigger an external program , with arguments like userid , message-id , etc whenever

1) A mail reaches a mailbox
2) The mail is marked read
3) The mail is marked deleted

I know it  seems to be too much of a requirement , But the purpose should be very obvious.
With such a plugin I can find out which users are reading what newsletters.

Has anyone done such a thing before


NETCORE SOLUTIONS *** Ph: +91 22 5662 8000 Fax: +91 22 5662 8134

MailServ and FlexiMail: Messaging Solutions: http://netcore.co.in

Pragatee: Integrated Server-Software Suite: http://www.pragatee.com

Emergic Freedom: Server-centric Computing: http://www.emergic.com

BlogStreet: Blog Profiles and RSS Ecosystem: http://blogstreet.com

Deeshaa: Rural Development: http://www.deeshaa.com

Rajesh Jain's Weblog on Technology: http://www.emergic.org

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