Christian Schulte wrote:
Jared Watkins schrieb:Hmmm... Well I ran the snmpconf perl script and allowed public read access in snmpd.conf.. but when I try to walk the enterprises tree I don't see any cyrus stuff there... in fact.. I don't get any results if I use enterprises.anything. Do I need to give the cyrus user permission to write to snmp somehow? Is there a config option in cyrus.conf that is not there by default?
Cyrus is not logging anything about attempting to connect to snmp and snmpd is not logging any errors... I don't know what to look for here... can anyone shed some light? How do the cyrus stats become known to snmpd?
I'm almost snmp clueless...
By the way:
Did you copy master/CYRUS-MASTER.mib to /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs ?
Ahh... no I had missed that file... but.. in the mean time I also discovered that cyrus was not picking up the snmp libs when I compiled it... even though they were there and I'd specified it on the configure line. So I updated the snmp libs.. with a src rpm and then cyrus saw the libs.. but would not compile. I had a similar error to that other thread... I'm on redhat 7.2 here.
That's as far as I got with it so far.. I'm loosing interest in snmp... =[ If I see some answers in the compile problem thread I'll try them... otherwise I'm done with this for now.
Version: 3.12
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