Well, now I have Cyrus installed (yet not completely tested though) The only 2 things left, which are bothering me now , 2 king of messages in syslog:
1: "lmtpd[10260]: DBERROR db4: 9 lockers" 2: "master: setrlimit: Unable to set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted" As I explored this list, the first is related to Berkeley DB (4.0.14) bug, since its counters got incremented ... I've read on sleepycat, that it had been fixed in 4.1. , but this version of DB is not supported by Cyrus.. The second seemes to be kernel , or cyrus-kernel problem ( or not? ), and as I found in list I shouldn't pay much attention to it too.. But, may be there's something I can do to fix those bugs , to live with clean logs...? Best regards, Andrei V. Loukinykh , Evpatoria Ukrtelecom ISP, +380 6569 29376 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "UNIX is like a vigvam - no Windows, no Gates and an Apache inside"