Mike, you do realize that the Vacation script only replies once.

It will not reply multiple times to the same address.  Idea is you tell the 
user _ONCE_ that you are on vacation, not 500x.

If you set it up with the mailing list for example, each message you get 
would reply with a vacation message.

So if there was 25messages on the info-cyrus list, there would be 25 
vacation replies.  Thus doubling the list.  Chances are the vacation 
replies would also get posted and vacationed again creating an infinate 
loop, getting yourself permently ejected from said list.

The Vacation Sieve script is simple and your setting it up right.

What your looking for is a automatic response which as you said you got 
once, and it wont give it to you again.

Does this help any?

--On Sunday, May 12, 2002 11:41 PM -0500 Mike Grommet 

> Hi list.
> I'm trying to get a vacation script up and running...
> In this form, the script works fine:
> require "vacation";
> vacation :days 1:addresses
> Test!!!
> .
> Now, when I try to leave the address parameter off, so that it will use
> the smtp envelope for the return "From" address, the script doesnt seem
> to work. No errors seem to be apparent either... We are using a stock
> 2.0.16 Cyrus install...
> Perhaps I'm misreading how the address param should be used, or maybe I'm
> just not understanding how things should work when the address param is
> absent.
> Could someone provide a syntactically correct example of a small vacation
> script that doesn't use the address param?
> Any other pointers would be dandy as well :)

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