On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Marco Pirovano wrote:

> Dear Michael and Simon,
> thank you for your answer.
> At 02:47 PM 2/19/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >On Monday, February 19, 2001 12:01:19 PM +0100 Marco Pirovano
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >+------
> >| Hello,
> >| I have to migrate about 12,000 students from a POP3 view to a IMAP view.
> >| Both POP3 server and IMAP server reside on the same machine.
> >| Now they use Eudora as POP3 client, and in the future they will use a
> >| webmail program, probably IMP.
> >|
> >| I've two big questions:
> >|
> >| 1) For a not short time, we will have both POP3 and IMAP users,
> >|      so how can I configure sendmail to manage this situation ?
> >|      We run sendmail 8.11.2 and procmail 3.15.
> >
> >As cyrus supports both imap and pop3 this isn't really a problem, just use
> >formail and deliver to copy the mail from the usual mailboxes into cyrus,
> >you users can continue using pop3 until the webmail comes online.
> >Configuring sendmail to use deliver or lmtp isn't particularly hard.
> Now, I use fectmail to move mail from /var/mail/user to imap users INBOX 
> folders.
> but, I can't use it for a great number of users.
> Is it possible to configure sendmail so, POP3 users mail still goes into 
> /var/mail/user
> and IMAP mail goes into INBOX folders ?

Why? Users are able to read messages in their mailbox *both* using a
POP3 client *and* an IMAP client. There's no need to keep two separate
mailbox systems. You may need some means to *move* messages from
Unix mailboxes to Cyrus ones.
BTW, there are ways to access Unix mailboxes (/var/mail/<user>) with
IMAP, too. Using UW servers, you access /var/mail/<user> mailboxes
with both IMAP and POP. Of course, I definitely recommend Cyrus for >10000
users. But UW servers are the default under RedHat Linux for example.
And are easy to manage (somewhat easier than Cyrus expecially with 
small user populations). Can you afford to have TWO different servers
available at the same time (IMP itself is configurable to let the user
choose a server, I think)?  Say 'imap1.<yourdomain>' and 'imap2.<yourdomain>'.
imap1 will carry the old mailbox files (/var/mail/*), and use an UW server.
imap2 will be the definitive Cyrus IMAPd server. New messages will be
delivered on imap2 only, of course. Users are told to read mail on imap1,
move it somewhere (save it on local folders, or even on imap2), then
to forget about imap1 and user only imap2.
I can't remember whether IMP handles two connections at the same time,
as MS Outlook and Netscape do.

Of course there are ways to tell sendmail to route messages to two
different destinations... the first to come into my mind is to use
virtusertable to rewrite POP user into a different (pseudo) domain
(by naming them one by one!) and then route all messages for that domain
to a procmail based mailer. Normal (IMAP) users will go through the Cyrus
(LMTP?) mailer. But don't try it if you're not a sendmail.cf Guru.
[Someone else may suggest some advanced procmail configurations...]

> ------------------------------------------------
>   Marco Pirovano
>   Universita' Bocconi
>   Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
>   Via Balilla, 18 20136 Milano - Italy
>   Phone: +39 02 5836.3173  Fax: +39 02 5836.3160
> ------------------------------------------------

(being < 1Km away)

      ____/  ____/   /
     /      /       /                   Marco Colombo
    ___/  ___  /   /                  Technical Manager
   /          /   /                      ESI s.r.l.
 _____/ _____/  _/                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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