First of all, thanks for your help.
Darron Froese wrote:
> On 12/3/00 11:20 PM, "unplug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But I would like to know the situation below.
> > The qutoa of is 10000.
> > I send several mail to that make his account to 11000.
> If a certain user is below 100% of their quota *any* email that's being
> received will be delivered. It will not be rejected because of quota until
> they are *over* their quota.
> Example:
> has a 10MB quota.
> User is at 8MB of mail stored - 80% full.
> User is receiving a 10MB email - since they are still below 99% full, cyrus
> will take and store the email.
> Now they're at 180% and no more mail will be received.
If I still continue to send 1MB email to, he can't receive
the mail, right!!
However, I can see the maillog and it shows me that the 1MB email is
delivered without
problem. Where does the 1MB email go?? Does it go to the queue or just
delete by the deliver??
Where do the 1MB email keep if it is not deleted?? Can get
back the 1MB email
after he deletes his mailbox and get back below 100%??
Thanks for your script. You run your script once a day and the sender
& receiver will
notified by a long delay if his mailbox is over 100% in the morning. It
seems too
long to have such notification. Does there any methods that there will
be a notification
once the mailbox quota excess. I mean if there is any setting for cyrus
such that a
notification will be sent to the sender immediately if the receiver's
mailbox is over 100%.
> > I continue to send mail to but he can't receieve it anymore.
> > Q: How can I make a warning message to the sender & receiver to tell
> > them
> > there is a qutoa problem??
> I posted a script that does this already - I run it from cron every night:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # TODO
> # 1. Make this web enabled for checking by the individual users.
> # 2. Make it configurable % wise for each user with 80% as the default.
> # Perl Module
> use Mail::Mailer;
> # Variables
> $quota_warn = "80";
> $quota_max = "99";
> $quota_application = "/usr/local/cyrus-imapd/bin/quota|";
> $sysadmin_email = "sysadmin\";
> $email_subject = "It's time to clean out your email!";
> $email_body_standard = "In order to assure that you will not lose any email
> (due to being over your email storage quota), ";
> $email_body_standard .= "please clean up and delete any email that is not
> needed anymore. Messages with large attachments (sounds, movies, etc.) are
> the usual culprits, taking up large amounts of space and storage
> capacity.\n\n";
> $email_body_standard .= "You will continue to receive this email once a day
> until your email usage goes below $quota_warn%.\n\n";
> $email_body_standard .= "If you have any questions at all, please don't
> hesitate to contact $sysadmin_email for any further clarification.\n\nThe
> Server Team";
> # TODO: Check to see if you're the cyrus user.
> # This is the motherlode of cyrus quota information.
> open (QUOTA, "$quota_application");
> # Go!
> while (<QUOTA>) {
> chomp;
> ($null, $quota, $percent, $used, $user) = split(/\s+/);
> ($null, $user) = split(/\./, $user);
> # Log the info to /var/log/messages if they're over 80% full.
> system ("/usr/bin/logger \"$user is at $percent\% of mail quota.\"") if
> ($percent > $quota_warn);
> # Send the user an explanatory email if they're over $quota_warn (but
> under $quota_max) full.
> if (($percent > $quota_warn) && ($percent < $quota_max)) {
> # Create the email body.
> $email_body = "This is just a friendly reminder that your email that
> is stored on the server is $percent\% full.\n\n";
> $email_body .= $email_body_standard;
> $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new();
> $mailer->open({ From => $sysadmin_email,
> To => $user,
> Subject => $email_subject,
> }) or die;
> print $mailer $email_body;
> $mailer->close();
> } else {
> # Do nothing.
> }
> # If the user is over $quota_max, any mail for them will bounce SO
> # send a quick email to sysadmin to let them know.
> if ($percent > $quota_max) {
> $warning_body = "$user is at $percent\% of mail quota.";
> $warning_subject = "$user is over quota and is now bouncing email";
> $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new();
> $mailer->open({ From => $sysadmin_email,
> To => $sysadmin_email,
> Subject => $warning_subject,
> }) or die;
> print $mailer $warning_body;
> $mailer->close();
> }
> }
> It's pretty rough but it works. It looks through the quota each night and:
> 1. Notifies the user if they're over $quota_min full and below $quota_max.
> 2. If they're over $quota_max - then the sysadmin is notified so that they
> can deal with it.
> > However, I can see the maillog and the mail still sending to
> > Q: I wonder where is the mail store.
> The mail store is setup in the /etc/imapd.conf in the "partition-default"
> setting.
> > Q: Can get back the mails after deleting the existing mail,
> > how??
> If it's deleted - it's gone. I'm a little confuzed as to what you're asking
> here.
> --
> Darron