Zitat von Ralf Lang <l...@b1-systems.de>:
Hi Michael,
Am 22.02.19 um 08:52 schrieb Michael Lehner:
Hey there,
using and loving Horde for years now. Thx for all the affords and work
on this great project. I'm using Horde on my private server with other
self-hosted solutions. One of this solutions requires - cause of the
newest update - PHP 7.3. I wonder if Horde is capable of PHP 7.3 or
do I have to stuck on PHP 7.0?
I already tried to use 7.3. but in IMP the folder structure isn't
working anymore.
Thx for a short reply.
Best regards mike
I am running current git versions of Horde including imp on
ubuntu php 7.2
apt show php7.2
Package: php7.2
Version: 7.2.15-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
Priority: optional
and openSUSE LEAP 15.0
Repository : openSUSE-Leap-15.0-Update
Name : php7
Version : 7.2.5-lp150.2.15.1
Both work well. I don't have any positive or negative results wrt php
7.3 yet. Maybe Jan can add more details on 7.3
We're lacking sufficient feedback to verify how stable Horde works on PHP 7.3.
But you can of course contribute to the 7.3 compatibility by letting
us know what exactly doesn't work anymore after the upgrade.
Especially actual error messages, if possible with a backtrace would
be helpful.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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