Zitat von Carsten <horde-groupw...@familie-lahme.de>:
Hi team,
If I sent mails to my hylafax server (using wegfrontend or
thunderbird) I have issues with the encoding / charset.
Special characters are always UTF-8 encoded, but are not properly
decoded on the fax interface.
I figured out, that changing the encoding in thunderbird to
"Mitteleuropäisch (Windows)" which should become "charset=SO 8859-1"
solves the issue from thunderbird as sending client.
But for some reason I have to do this every time, I create a new mail item.
Now I try to figure out, how to set this the web front end of
Horde/IMP as a "default" value.
I found some older posts about "nls.php" a.s.o. but they all say,
that there was no final solution.
I would expect to have some file like
at the end, but I need some advice on this.
Can You help?
Such a setting has been removed. Any system working with email
messages that doesn't support UTF-8 in 2018 should be taken off any
network connection as soon as possible.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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